Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

10 Smartphone Apps to Help You Survive in a World Rigors of College

In an era that has sophisticated as it is now, the smartphone has become a primary need for humans. Most of our daily activity is never separated from our smart phones, is no exception in college though. Smartphones now it has become a faithful helper of the students.

In addition to helping us in communicating with friends campus or faculty, we can also utilize existing applications therein for the purpose of the lecture. By utilizing this smartphone application, it is quite possible GPA you can crawl up. Well, here are some of the mandatory application downloads that can facilitate your life as a student!

1. Wunderlist: To-Do List and Tasks, applications that can make your activities everyday so more regularly

Are you among those who chronically forgetful? Do not worry, Wunderlist is an application-based To-Do List or the list of activities that must be done. If you want to record the existing tasks, Wunderlist can do.
You can make a long list of activities they want or should do, and this app will remind you. Take advantage of as well as the record for purposes of your monthly grocery list. The surplus is when've done live only scratch the list.
Well, the pro version of this app, allowing my friends to distribute a list of these activities with your friends. Alternatively there Task List & To-Do List, todoist: To-Do List, and Simplest Checklist.

2. With WPS Office (Kingsoft Office), you can do the task lectures anytime and anywhere
Lecturer sometimes giving material or duties via web or email, and we download it from the computer each masing so that we can easily work directly with disana. But, if my friends are in a precarious situation, where your laptop suddenly crashed and did not can be operated, you do not need to worry anymore. WPS Office applications which formerly Kingsoft Office is able to open the materials directly from smartphonemu lecturer.
This application is similar to Microsoft Office on your computer or your laptop, but the difference is very simple and can fit in your pocket. You not only can open your document, but also can melakukan editing (editing). WPS Office supports the file type of the document, presentation, excel, to pdf. There are also some applications are the same, namely Microsoft Office Mobile, Polaris Office + PDF.

3. Pomodroido, for you who want a working system and learning more effective
Pomodroido is an application that runs using the Pomodoro technique. This technique is very useful for you that is difficult to divide the time into doing something. You can use this application to apply the technique Podomoro at work or study, work or belejarmu that could run more effectively.
In practice, every time you do a job for 25 minutes or more, then you will be able to rest for 5 minutes or more. Kesepakatanmu long time depending on its own, and it happens again and again according to the kesanggupanmu. Alternatives of this application is the Clockwork Tomato, ClearFocus: Pomodro Timer, Timesheet â € "Time Tracker, and 30/30.

4. "Kamusku" is a special little gift for you lazy carrying a thick dictionary to campus
For those students of language or literature, bringing a dictionary every day can make your waist rheumatism stiff or even make your new bag so quickly broken. Google Play Store provides various types of dictionaries ranging from Indonesian dictionary - English, Indonesian or large dictionary, or any other language dictionary that you can download for free.
You will not trouble carrying a heavy dictionary book every day, because you can have a dictionary lengka that fit in your pocket. Another alternative: Translation Dictionary. Google Translate. Indonesian English Dictionary.

5. Provide Dropbox before the flash is broken. You can save thousands of treasure in this cloud storage
You often really forget to bring a flash whose contents tile your job? Like a sudden flash disappear? Well, to anticipate such events you can work around this by storing your important data beforehand or rather upload the data to Dropbox account. You can directly download via mobile phones anytime.
The working principle of Dropbox is a cloud storage that provides an online storage facility, so if you need it at any time even though flasdisk being damaged or lost, you can still obtain them immediately through dropbox. Another alternative is onedrive, Google Drive

6. DU Battery Saver will help you save battery life when you're busy smartphone field work
You do not want the phone's battery quickly depleted? In fact, you're doing a practicum that requires you to take pictures of the lab using a smartphone camera or record interviews with resource persons. If you use aplikasiini, chances are it can be prevented with this application.
This application will attempt to minimize battery consumption by closing the phone or disable some of the applications that are running. Closing running applications that will be able to save battery usage of smartphones. Other alternative applications: GO Battery Saver & Power. 2 Battery. Battery Doctor.

7. DuoLingo, exciting applications that can help you fluent in a foreign language in an easy way
This application allows you to practice language skills. Ability to speak English or other languages are indispensable in supporting the accomplishments on the campus. Moreover, if my friends including foreign language majors or departments that actively use the foreign language conversation.
This application facilitates learning the language ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Learning methods applied here are not boring, not only reading but also the ability to pronounce or utter a word tested here. Your vocabulary will also increase rapidly with the use of these applications on a regular basis.
You simply register for free on Duolingo account, then select the language you want to learn, and a training session will begin. There are also other alternative applications, namely Memris, Learning English (Bravolol), and Learn Languages: Rosetta Stones.

8. Expense Manager, the smart choice for boarding children who are determined to be frugal!
One application that really recommended for children boarding particular. In a way, this application is an instant way for you who wants to be a reliable treasurer. You can record your money transaction expenses and income. Every expense is recorded to be directly recorded, and can be seen how much spending you've spent.
If your spending record ternyatasudah close to the amount of income, of course, you can directly make savings. This application can also be used to record expenditures that have been made, so that if the money was gone before the payday, can be used as evidence to the parents.

9. ExamTime
This is the best app for the students because it is very helpful in learning is learning on-the-go. Download now and you'll find more than 1.5 million learning resources from all over the world.

10. Simple Mind
Dizziness duties much but forget any kind details? Try now you sit and inhale deeply, then a breakdown of all the tasks you use applications Simple Mind.
Simple Mind application is an application that trains you to perform the task of translation techniques with methods MindMap.
Indonesian Mind Map or it could be called "Mind Map" is a method for organizing and presenting concepts, ideas, tasks or other information in the form of a radial diagram-hierarchical non-linear. Mind Map is generally present information that is connected to the central topic, in the form of keywords, images (symbols), and color so that one can learn and remember information quickly and efficiently.
Mind Map method was conceived and developed by Tony Buzan, a British psychologist, who believes that the use of Mind Maps are not just able to jump-start the process of memory, but also can enhance the creativity and skills of analyzing, optimizing the function of the cerebral hemispheres.

Sources: hipwee, plus.kapanlagi, anakui

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